Arhiiv kuude lõikes: november 2015

Minna Tallinnas


Laupäeval, 21. novembril, kell 13:30-16:00 viib Minna läbi playshop’i “Happy hands, Happy heart” , mis toimub seekord TIK’i spordihoones!

Ürituse täpsem info on facebookis, aga ka siin:

Happy hands, happy heart!

Welcome to spend an afternoon with Nia Brown Belt Instructor Minna Aalto sharing joy of movement for happy heart and happy hands.
Nia offers playful hand movements to strengthen your hands and stimulate your shoulders and neck. Engaging your hands in your dance also invites you to play with your heart rate and connect to both creative movement and the world around you in your way.

The Playshop is for Every Body, and includes guided free form exploration of hand techniques and a Nia class.

Price 25 €.
To register email: