Nia with Minna in Tallinn 19. november

Tere! Minna tuleb Tallinnasse! 19ndal Novembril playshop ja tund Inglise Kolledži Spordihoones Estonia pst 10.

Facebooki event (vajuta siia)

Reconnect to your Life Force through Nia!
We spend the afternoon playing with, learning and dancing a wonderful, grounding Nia routine called “LIFE”.
Welcome to craft relaxation in the body and enlivening the chakra centers – so that we can reset, renew and rediscover our own LIFE every day.

Play and learn: 14-15.45
Nia class: 16.15-17.30

Minna Aalto is a Nia Black Belt Teacher sharing the Joy of Movement since 2006. Humour and heart are always present in her classes. Everybody – both beginners and more experienced movers – are welcome to her dance floor.

There is a 30 minute break in between playshop and class. You can join us for either part or both.
Questions and sign up:

Hooaeg 2017-2018

Tere, kallis Niataja!
Lisame tasapisi tunniplaani juurde selle sügis-talve tunde.
Oktoobri alguses käivituvad viimasedki treeninggrupid :)
Pakume Sulle 11 erinevat aega-kohta, kus Niatada!
Vaata täpsemalt tunniplaanist!

Heli, Julika, Kristi ja Sirli

Nia Tartus Hiiega

Tere, kallis Niataja!
Hiie Saumaa on augusti kuus Eestis ning annab Nia trenne Tartu Joogakeskuses (Kastani 38), graafik on alljärgnev:

K 9.08 kl 18.00-19.00
R 11.08 kl 10.00-11.00
E 14.08 kl 10.00-11.00
K 16.09 kl 18.00-19.00
E 21.08 kl 10.00-11.00
K 23.08 kl 18.00-19.00
E 28.08 kl 10.00-11.00
K 30.08 kl 18.00-19.00

Nia week-end with Minna Aalto

@ Inglise Kolledži Spordihoone, Estonia pst 10, Tallinn, Estonia.

Saturday 25.03.2017, 15.00 – 17.30
“Bring spring into your senses”
Time to wake up from the winter sleep – why not with a playful session of Nia? Activate and stimulate your senses by bringing your attention to touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste.
Both newbies and Nia-fans welcome.
Cost: 20.-

Sunday 26.03.2107, 16.00 – 17.30
“Bring your senses into spring”
What a perfect chance to shed your (winter)skin! Moving with what is, we prepare for whatever lies ahead.
Both newbies and Nia-fans welcome.
Cost: 15.-

With our superdeal you treat yourself to both sessions for only 30.-
Book your spot with Kristi here:

Minna Aalto (MA, artist, licensed Nia instructor) is back to share Nia in her bubbly yet grounded way. It will be wonderful to dance with you again! ♥

FB event: